NZGBC Future Thinkers Sign up
August 11th, 2022
Future Thinkers is a platform for young professionals and students to connect with the green building industry both in New Zealand and globally.
We all know we can build better – Future Thinkers offers a chance to get involved, connect with like-minded professionals, share ideas, and help power the shift towards a sustainable future.
Why get involved? As a Future Thinker you have access to many of the same member benefits as industry NZGBC members, as well as some other awesome opportunities:
Network and participate in regular Future Thinker events (Panel sessions, presentations, building tours etc.) Meet with industry members, Attend NZGBC events and training with discounted rates (or for free!), Have your profile listed on our NZGBC Future Thinkers directory, Share or present your research, Receive regular member updates, Apply for internships and volunteer positions when available, Create your own NZGBC Future Thinker community at your university/polytechnic or company, Become our next Future Thinker of the Year.
Future Thinkers is open to anyone studying in New Zealand or who has graduated within the last four years.
If the institution you studied at is a NZGBC member then your membership is free (check out our members directory to see if you’re covered). For everyone else membership costs $28.50 for the year.
NZGBC Future Thinkers subscription runs from 1 April to 31 March.